Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Reflections on Sunsets (December 13, 2009)

I touch your hand for the last time
and feel such a sadness in my heart.
I miss you. I hurt.
I don't want to let you go.

They say it's okay to cry.

And I do. But at the same time, my heart
remembers the joy its always found in your presence.
The stories, the jokes, the laughter.
Shared fears and triumphs, tears and song.
My heart knows love, and knows it is loved....
boundless and timeless, unquestioning and complete
You've shown me a glimpse of the divine.

So I hope it's okay to smile, too.

Thank you for sharing yourself with me,
for teaching me of friendship and faith,
of laughter and sharing,
compassion and trust
in myself and in others.

As I leave you I know that you'll always be with me,
in the wind that wipes my tears,
the sunshine that brightens my way,
the gentle rain that washes me clean,
but most of all in the golden sunsets
that you loved so very much,
reminding me every day of your love.

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